Atlantis Checklist 2

The fact that we encounter the legend of Atlantis described so faithfully in Far Eastern mandalas that form the base of Hinduism and Buddhism proves the extreme importance of the Atlantean myth in the Far Orient.

But, the fact is that, on hindsight, this mandalic figuration of Atlantis and its sacred geometry is found just about everywhere. As we just saw, it is schematically figured in the Celtic Cross as well as in monuments such as Stonehenge, which in fact represent the same thing.

So does the so-called Celtic Triple Wall, a schematic mandalic symbolism also found just about everywhere in the world. In the Americas, mandalas essentially identical to those of Hindu-Buddhists and actually done by the same sacred technique of sandpainting are found among the Navajo and the Pueblo Indians of North America.

An identical motif is also found in Egypt, where the pyramidal complexes also represented the pyramid-shaped Holy Mountain. A famous blue faience bowl found in Thebes and dated at the New Kingdom shows the pyramidal Holy Mountain, in plan view, as an island surrounded all around by an encircling canal. At the four corners, the Four Cardinal Directions, are the four Trees of Life shown as giant lotus plants. The picture closely resembles the similar mandalic designs of the Mayas and Aztecs, which often embody the four Trees of Life. It also evokes the Hindu mandalas representing Mt. Meru, likewise seen from above, with its four subsidiary peaks, each with its own Tree of Life. It is extremely unlikely that such identical designs and sophisticate paradisial symbolisms developed independently in all these distant, isolated regions of the world.

In more disguised form but symbolizing precisely the same ideas and the same sacred geometry of Atlantis we also have similar mandalic shapes representing the Celestial Jerusalem as the Center of the World. The Holy Mountain is here represented by Mt. Calvary (= Mt. Atlas or Meru) and the Cross (= Golden Lotus = Conflagration). Indeed, most capital cities such as Washington DC, Belo Horizonte, Buenos Aires, Llassa, Harappa, Mecca, and so on, are built according to the Sacred Geometry of Atlantis, the actual source of all such archetypes.

These cities all have as their central feature, the obelisk at the middle of a circular plaza, from which depart the four main avenues along the Cardinal Directions. Anyone familiar with the inherent meaning of Hindu-Buddhic mandalas representing Mt. Meru as the Holy Mountain of Paradise will have no difficulty in realizing the Indian origin of this universal symbolism. The very fact that it is both universal and extremely ancient proves, beyond reasonable doubt, that its worldwide diffusion can only have been carried out by the Atlanteans, in the dawn of times. How else?

8) Beyond the Pillars of Hercules

Since Atlantis was located in the Outer Ocean, it has to be sought outside the Pillars of Hercules and the Strait of Gibraltar. Actually, there were several Pillars of Hercules in antiquity created by the cunning Phoenician in order to confuse the navigants seeking the secret route to Paradise, indeed the one of the profitable commerce with the Indies.

Thus, we find Pillars of Hercules sometimes confused with those of Atlas, the Pillar of Heaven not only in Gibraltar, but also in Tartessos (Spain), Gadis (Spain), Gadir (Morocco), the Bosphoros (Black Sea), the Bab-el-Mandeb (Arabia) and even as far as the Indus Delta (India) and the Strait of Sunda (Indonesia).

In reality, it was the opening up of the Pillars of Hercules in the Strait of Sunda that created the legend of the Hero opening the Strait of Gibraltar as his topmost work. In reality this was done by the giant explosion of the Krakatoa volcano, which was formerly Mt.

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