The Horse Sacrifice (Atlantis in the Indies) 3

The Holy Mountain of the Navajos

In the Tantric rituals the linga is expressly compared to the vajra and the yoni to the padma (or “lotus”). The vajra, is precisely the “lightning bolt” which we discussed above, the Celestial Linga (or Skull) that falls down to earth from the skies and becomes the Holy Mountain. In Christian terms it is Mt. Calvary or, yet, the Grail Mountain (Mt. Salvat). In India it is Mt. Meru or Kailasa, the Holy Mountain of Shiva that represents his linga.

But the same symbolism is also encountered everywhere, including the New World. For instance, the Navajo Indians call it Mt. Pelado or, yet, “Whirling Mountain”. Pelado is Spanish for “Bald”, a name synonymous with “Calvary”, the Holy Mountain of the Christians. Quite visibly, the Christian myth of Mt. Calvary originated from the universal set of Hindu myths on Atlantis and its “Pillar of the World”. The idea of “Polar Mountain” that is, of the Holy Mountain at the exact Center of the World, in the site of Paradise in fact derives from the Hindu symbolism of Mt. Meru, which dates from Vedic times, those of Atlantis. We discuss this theme in detail elsewhere in this Homepage, to where we direct the interested reader.

The Whirling Mountain is the support of the skies (like Mt. Meru) and the center of Paradise (as in India). It is impossible, as we said, that such identities arose by chance or even as the result of the missionary efforts of some enlightened Jesuits. The only sensible explanation is that of the Indians themselves: the luciferine missionaries were men (or angels or gods) like Quetzalcoatl and Sumé, among many others.

They were the luciferine Indian missionaries who also enlightened the whole of the ancient World. But their worldwide influence can only be extremely archaic, for it did not take place in historical times. In other words, this civilizing empire was ante-Diluvian, just as the myths say they were. And it literally corresponded to Atlantis and, possibly also, to its mother-sister-wife, Lemuria, its precursor and twin.

The Meaning of the Sacred Syllable OM

The yoni of the female is, as we just said, equated in India to the lotus (or padma). Indeed, the mantra OM MANI PADME HUM! means a lot more than just: “Rise, Oh Jewel in the Lotus” as is frequently asserted. Rather, its mystic meaning is “Rise, O Phallus, from the Vagina”. Its real symbolism is Cosmic, as we said above. It indeed refers to the rising again of Atlantis, characterized by its Holy Mountain (Mt. Atlas or Meru), from the Cosmic Yoni, the Great Abyss where it sunk away, in the dawn of times, some 9,600 years ago.4

Fig. 1 - The Sacred Symbol of the OM SyllableMoreover, the very symbol of the OM mantra, shown in Fig. 1 below, represents a linga being inserted in the yoni represented by a woman s derrière. Also shown in Fig. 1 are some early forms of the OM glyph taken from Indian sources, as well as the Devanagari spelling of the Sacred Syllable. We should not forget that the Yoni-lingam is India’s most sacred symbol, and that the sex act is deemed holy in India, as it in fact is, being in reality the performance of the only divine act of Creation that we humans are able of performing.

The glyph shown above is not written in Devanagari, the Sanskrit alphabet, which is shown at the center of the figure for comparison. Nor is the origin of the alphabet in which it is written truly known. But it may really derive from a proto-alphabet such as Brahmi or Vatteluttu, which some experts such as Sir Monier Williams posit as the true source of our alphabet. Indeed, a close inspection of the shape of the glyph will show that it remarkably resembles the syllable OM written in the ordinary (Roman) alphabet from right to left and with the letters tilted by 90 degrees.5

The Cosmic Yoni and the Vadavamukha

The Cosmic Yoni is the well-known representation of the Vadavamukha. It is the Abhvan (or “Great Abyss”) of the Rig Veda, which “menstruates” the end of the world, destroying it. The Yoni represents the site of destroyed Lanka, as we detail elsewhere. The Cosmic Yoni is also the Khasma Mega of Hesiod, and the Charybdis of Homer’s Odyssey. Both of these names mean “Black Hole”, and refer to the fearful Cosmic Yoni of the Earth Mother.

Scylla and Charybdis one a giant maelstrom, the other a lofty peak that reaches up to heaven above are indeed symbolic representations of the twin Atlantises. One (Charybdis) is buried inside the Khasma Mega that is no other than the Vadava-mukha, and the other, though disfigured, still lies upon the top of the Holy Mountain, Meru. No one familiar with Hindu symbolism will fail to realize this fundamental identity, and the fact that Homer was cribbing from Hindu sources.6

The Vadavamukha is the giant maelstrom which the Romans identified to the mundus, the frightening entrance to Hell. The Egyptians equated the Khasma Mega of the Greeks with the Nun, the Primordial Abyss out of which sprung the Tatenen, the Primordial Mountain that they allegorized as the Phallus of Ptah (Pta-tenen). The Nun also corresponds to the Akher, the Double Lion of the Egyptians. The Akher of the Egyptians was the twin-lion that swallowed the Sun at dusk in the Occident, and spewed it out in the Orient in the morning.

Of course, the Egyptians did not believe in such fables, which were mere allegories of the Fallen Suns discussed above. To believe otherwise is tantamount to assuming that the ancients were even more stupid than we are, a conclusion unsupported by fact. Even though very hard to believe, the ancient myths are far superior to our own, for they allegorize fact, rather than fiction. And, as we just saw, both the facts concerning the destruction of Atlantis (Paradise) and the fables that mythify these events came to us from Atlantis, encoded in the holy traditions and the religious myths of the ancients of all times and places.

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