The Horse Sacrifice (Atlantis in the Indies) 4

The Cause of the Fall of Atlantis

What the text of Gen. 6 is describing is the event related by Plato as the ultimate cause of the doom of Atlantis. Indeed, Plato s words, in the Critias, closely parallel those of Gen. 6, as can be seen by comparing the above quoted biblical text with Plato’s one of the Critias (121b):
For many generations, as long as the divine nature lasted in them, they were obedient to the laws and god-fearing, for they were the Sons of God… As long as the divine nature lasted in then, the good qualities which we have described grew and increased among them.

But when the divine portion began to fade away in them, being diluted too often and too much by admixture with mortal blood, and the human nature began to preponderate, they became unable to control their behavior and became unseemly… and grew visibly debased…

Then, Zeus, the god of gods, who rules by law… seeing that an honorable race was in a most wretched state, and intending to punish them, that they might be purified and improve… gathered all gods together and spake as follows:…
Thus ends Plato s dialogue on Atlantis, in mid-sentence, just in the most crucial portion. Some say that Plato got disgusted with the subject and decided to stop the work. Others affirm that he died for the Critias is his last work before he could end the dialogue. Others, yet, affirm that the work was censored, for the subject was tabooed, being the matter of the secret of the Mysteries. A more likely hypothesis is that Plato was murdered, because he had violated the taboo forbidding the divulgation of the secret of Atlantis, a serious crime, for, as we just said, it was considered a profanation of the religious Mysteries. It was precisely for this crime that Socrates, his teacher, had been condemned to death.

All we can do is to conjecture… But this is not important now. We know that Atlantis was sunk and flooded, after being destroyed by earthquakes and volcanic conflagrations. And the reason was, we see, the same as the one that led to the Flood: too much admixture with mortal blood. One text explains the other, and it is clear that both Genesis and Plato are talking of the same, unique event.

In both texts, human nature gains the upper hand through excessive admixture with mortal blood, that of the fair Daughters of Men, which dilutes the divine essence, the “spirit of God” that constitutes the human Soul. There can be no doubt, then, of who are the Sons of Poseidon and Cleito, the descendants of the Titan Atlas. And the Daughters of Men are the lower caste girls, the whores with whom they mated too often and too willingly.

Interestingly enough, as can be seen from the above quoted texts and from a myriad similar ones, it seems that the pristine race of Atlantis, the Sons of God, who later became the Fallen Angels, were indeed the red, darker races (the Dravidas), whereas the white races (the Aryo-Semites) are associated with the ones of the seductive blonde Goddess. But such myths are extremely complex, and must be examined with caution, for they seem to have been frequently interpolated and adulterated in their essence, even in the Bible.

The Atlantean Heroes and the Silver Race

The Heroes that is, the Nephilim or Giants are the hybrid children of these two races, the half breeds, the out casts who belong nowhere. Anyone who is familiar with Hindu traditions and their system of castes (varnas) will have no difficulty in realizing that the origin of the myth so deeply connected with the tradition of Atlantis is indisputably Indian in origin. We, the modern races, all four, are descended from these hybrid Heroes. Hence, it is pure foolishness to talk of “racial purity” or even of “races” as such, for we are all of us mongrels of mixed origin.

We descend from both races of Atlantis, from both the Sons of God and the Danavas, the Sons of Danu, as we explain in detail in our book on Atlantis. Both Plato and Genesis drew their accounts from one or more of the many Hindu holy books that treat this subject, which is the central tenet of the eschatological doctrines of Hinduism. The Heroes of Genesis 6 are the Silver Race of Hesiod, the one who succeeded the Golden Race of the Sons of God of before the Flood. Like the Nephilim of Genesis, the Silver Race is gigantic, brutal and ferocious, as Hesiod (Works,126) tells us:
Then, a second race, far inferior
Was created, of Silver, by the gods…
Being reared by their mothers.

And when they reached adolescence,
They died a painful death,
On account of their stupidity,

For they could not contain their foolish pride
And refused to worship the gods above
And to sacrifice to them upon the altars.
Hesiod calls them “big children” (mega nepios) and tells how, disgusted with their impiety and arrogance, Zeus decided to wipe them off with a cataclysm, burying them underground. In a confused way for he apparently failed to understand the Hindu myths he was adapting Hesiod also speaks of a fifth age, that of the Heroes or Demigods. They died in the combats of Troy and Thebes, and their souls abide in the Islands of the Blest, “in the confines of the earth”.

A closer analysis of Hesiod s Myth of the Ages (Works and Days, 106-200) discloses the fundamental identify of the Race of Heroes and the Race of Silver, both made of valiant but stupid men like Achilles and Hercules, and both “reared by their mothers”, for they were indeed the Sons of the Goddess. Hesiod also calls the Golden Race by the name of “angels” or “genii” (daimones), and tells that are the offspring of God (Kronos). After they became corrupted, the Golden Races too were destroyed by Zeus and became “the benevolent guardian angels (phylaxes) who rove the earth invisibly, granting riches and bliss”.

As we see, once properly interpreted, all these traditions converge to tell the same story.

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