The Horse Sacrifice (Atlantis in the Indies)

and Poseidon, the Lord of the Earthquake is, again, an alias of Varuna, also called Apam-Napat (that is, Napat-Am = Neptune).

More likely the name of the Aegean sea has to do with the legend of the Golden Fleece and the drowning of Helle. Helle drowned there when she fell off the Golden Lamb while flying over that sea with her brother Phrixus, mounted on it. This lamb seems to be the same as the she-goat Amalthea. Its skin is also the Golden Fleece quested by the Argonauts, itself an allegory of Atlantis.

The drowning of Pan, of Aegeus, of Helle, of Atlas, of the she-goat Amalthea, and so on all seem to be an allegory of the sinking of Atlantis, as myths tend to repeat themselves ad infinitum, under different forms. The word aigis also means “tempest”, “flood”, and tends to identify the cataclysm with that of the Flood. And the true Aegean Sea the sea of Aegeus (or Poseidon) where the Golden Lamb (or Eldorado) sunk away is indeed the Indian Ocean. It should not at all be confused with its replica recreated by the Greeks in the Mediterranean when they moved into that region of the world, having come from the Indies. The true “Atlantic Ocean”, the primeval “Ocean of the Atlanteans”, was originally the Indian Ocean, as we argue in detail elsewhere.

The Origin of the Cross

Both sacrificial victims of the ashvamedha the horse and the goat were killed, impaled and roasted. Then the worshippers ate communially their roasted meat and the broth prepared from their remains. Before their sacrifice, the victims were tied to the sacrificial pole, called skambha or stambha or, yet, stavara.

The skambha (lit. “prop”, “pillar”) was considered the Pillar of Heaven, the axis or support of the skies. It was identified with Brahma and with Shiva, the two world-supporters, as well as with Purusha, the Primordial Sacrifice. The skambha had the shape of a cross or, also, of a Y, precisely that of the Cross or Rood.

Like the Cross, it was equated both to the Pillar of Heaven and to the Tree of Life. Many authorities such as F. Max Mueller, have pointed out the fact that the name of the Cross in the original Greek is stauros, and that this word derives from the Sanskrit stavara (pronounced “stawara”), its Hindu archetype in the ashvamedha sacrifice.

Of course, all such coincidences are the result of diffusion, and we see how the Evangelic notion was derived from Hindu archetypes. This is further rendered plausible by the fact that, in the earliest iconographies, the crucified Christ had a horse s head like that of the Ashvins and other Solar gods burnt at stake, in a sort of primordial ashvamedha. And this primordial sacrifice is no other than the one of Atlantis, as we just said.

The Ashvin Twins and the Vedic Flying Horse

The Ashvins (lit. “horses” or “centaurs”) are the Twins of Hindu myths. They are the primordial pair responsible for Creation. They are also the aliases of Yama and Yami. Yama, the Lord of the Dead, is the king of Atala, the Hindu archetype of Hades, the Hell that corresponds to sunken Atlantis. Yama is also the same as the Fallen Sun. Yama is also personified as Pushan or Vishvasvat, after their fall. In fact, the Fallen Sun is not the Day Star or even the Morning Star, the elder sun, but Atlantis, which it personifies.

Pushan forms a pair of Twins with Aryaman, and is often confused with Chandra or with Vishnu. He is often associated with goats, which draw his car, much as the Sun s chariot are pulled by horses. The Horse is often equated to Dadhikra, the Flying Horse of the ancient Vedic Hindus. Dadhikra is the Celestial Horse, a personification of the Rising Sun (RV 4:38-40; 7:44; 10:177; 10:123, etc.).

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