Corroborating evidence on the reality of Atlantis

Eden is the famous “Island of Fire” of so many ancient myths. This Island of Fire is quite often identified with Atlantis and, obscurely, with Eden itself, as in the famous text of Ezekiel mentioned further above. It was also identified with the “Atlantic Islands” which, as we already said, are indeed the “Seven Islands of the Atlanteans”. This Island of Fire was also often called “Brazil” or “Ys Brazil” by the Celts and other nations. The name was later applied by mistake to the country of Brazil, after the Americas were discovered. But this legendary Atlantic island appeared in all Medieval maps of the Atlantic region far before the discovery of the Americas by Columbus. The name of Brazil derives from an ancient root, bras, meaning “fire”, “firebrand”, “ember”, being the legendary “Island of Fire” of the ancient traditions.

  • The river Phison that, in the Biblical account of Paradise, encompassed Hevilat, closely recalls the River Oceanus that encircled Hades, according to Homer and Hesiod. It also recalls the circular canal which, according to Plato, also encircled the whole of Atlantis. In fact, some authorities identify the River Oceanus with the triple circular canals surrounding Atlantis. This idea is literally taken from the Hindu Dvipas (“Paradise-Islands”), which are similarly enclosed. Moreover, the idea of a river that surrounded Paradise – which, later, after its destruction, became the Realm of the Dead – is also of Indian origin, and dates from Vedic times. The Rig Veda and other Hindu traditions of high antiquity tell of the Vaitarani (“Encloser”), the river that surrounded the destroyed Paradise of the Asuras. As in the traditions of Atlantis reported by Plato, or in those of Paradise reported by other authorities, the Vaitarani formed an impassable barrier around this region.
  • In the Bible, a legend related to the one of Avalon (see above) tells of Kadesh, also called Kadesh, the Holy (Kadesh Barnea). In Kadesh Barnea there was a lake or fountain that overflowed and flooded the whole region, destroying Paradise. Kadesh is no other than the Cades or Gades that, in Phoenician traditions is the alias of Atlantis. Kadesh (or Gades or Gadeiros) is also the name of Hercules, here identified with the twin brother of Hercules, and co-ruler of Atlantis. The name of Gadeiros is an epithet of Hercules that means, just as the name of the hero, “Cow-herder”. This is a Phoenician translation of the name of Govinda (Krishna), the great god of the Hindus. The epithet commemorates the role of Hercules as the “cow-herder” that led the Greek people away from Atlantis, as we mentioned further above.
  • Agastya is one of the most celebrated of Hindu rishis (“sages”). He was the son of Varuna, just as Atlas was the one of Poseidon. Poseidon, the oceanic God of the Greeks and the founder of Atlantis, is the counterpart of Varuna, the marine god of the Hindus. Agastya is the great Civilizing Hero of the Dravidas of South India, just as Atlas was the one of the Greeks. A celebrated Hindu myth tells how Agastya once humbled a lofty mountain that rose too high, disturbing the gods in heaven. Another Hindu myth tells how Agastya jumped into the Southern Sea and drowned, becoming a marine deity. The name of Agastya, in Sanskrit, means “the mountain that sunk (underseas)”, precisely the idea conveyed by the myth of Atlantis. In other words, Agastya is a Hindu alias and predecessor of Atlas, the mountain that collapsed and sunk underseas, taking the realm of Atlantis with itself.
  • Agastya is also as a personification of the star Canopus, the main one of the constellation Argonavis. The Argonavis is one of the most important constellations in the southern hemisphere. Its main star, Canopus, is second only to Sirius, its twin, which is the largest star in the whole sky. And the Southern Sea where Agastya-Canopus-Atlas drowned is the Indian Ocean, the eastern extension of the Atlantic Ocean of the ancients. Canopus was deemed an alias of either Hercules or Atlas, the twin kings of Atlantis represented by Sirius and Canopus, the two Celestial “dogs”. So, as we see, the myth of the Argonavis, the one of Sirius and Canopus, and that of the quest of Paradise are indeed allegories of Atlantis-Paradise, and of its foundering in the dawn of times, when our sacred myths were composed.
  • Moreover, Canopus was the (Southern) Pole Star of the epoch of Atlantis, some 12,000 years ago.

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