Lanka, whose history is told in the Ramayana, was the actual archetype of Plato’s Atlantis, as well as Homer’s Troy. Lanka was built upon a lofty mountain (Mt. Trikuta = Mt. Atlas or Meru), and was said “to fly in the air, scratching the belly of heaven”. Hindu myths also tell how Lanka, with “its towers and walls of stone clad with metal” was pulled out of the summit of the Holy Mountain (Meru) by the North Wind (Vayu) and thrown into the seas, where it drowned with all its vast population. Interestingly enough, the same myth, with Atlas (i. e., Atlantis) substituting for Lanka, is also encountered in Greece. Atlas, often identified with Hesperus, the Evening Star, was thrown into the ocean by Boreas, the North Wind who is the Greek counterpart of Vayu. There Atlas drowned, and was to be found no more, just as happened with Lanka and, indeed, with Atlantis.
- Other Hindu legends tell of Agartha (or Shambhalla), the subterranean realm of the King of the World. According to this tradition, it is from Shambhalla that is to surge Kalkin, (“the White Knight”) for the final battle of the end of times. Kalkin, the White Knight, is to lead his hosts, the Sons of Light, to victory against the Sons of Darkness. The myth of Shambhalla is the archetype from which were copied the similar ones of the Essenes and of the Christians. Again, as with the Celestial Jerusalem of St. John’s Revelation, the myth of Kalkin prefigures the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Many experts have correlated the traditions of Agartha and Shambhalla with those of Atlantis and the Celestial Jerusalem. In fact, Atlantis too will resurge in the end of times (now?) in precisely the same manner prescribed for the Celestial Jerusalem of the Book of Revelation. Then, will the Golden Age be restored to the world, for Atlantis is truly the Paradise Lost we all have been expecting for so long.
- Celtic traditions often speak of an “Island of the Lions”. This mysterious island appears in Hindu traditions as Saka-dvipa or Simhala-dvipa (“Island of the Lions”, in Sanskrit). This “Island of the Lions” also figures in many other different traditions. In Celtic traditions, the Island of the Lions also called Avalon. The name of Avalon has been interpreted both as “Land of the Apple Trees” and as “Island of the Lions” (Ava-lon). This paradisial island is also called Lyonesse (Lyon-ys or “Island of the Lions”) or Llyn Llion (“Lake Lion”), the lake which reputedly overwhelmed the whole world with its waters when it overflowed, causing the Flood.
- The “Island of the Lions” just mentioned (see above item) is no other than the Simhala-dvipa (or Serendip) of the Hindus. Serendip is indeed the “Island of the Seres” (Seren-dip), which is the same as Taprobane (Sumatra). The Seres are “the people of the silk” (serica = “silk”, in Latin). They are described as a blond, blue-eyed, tall people by Pliny, Solinus and others. As we just said, Serendip is the same as Taprobane or Sumatra, and should not be confused with Shri Lanka (Ceylon), its Indian counterpart. The word “lion”, in India, is synonymous with “hero” (gandha or simha in Skt., singa in Dravida, etc.), so that the name of Simhala-dvipa indeed means “Island of the Heroes”. And these “Heroes” of old are no other than those of Atlantis, destroyed in the Flood, as mentioned in the Book of Genesis (ch. 6).
- Several ancient authors also identify Serendip with the Hevilat of the Bible, one of the four regions of Eden. The region of Hevilat (or Havila) was famous for its gold and for being encircled by the river Phison. Josephus, the famous Jewish historian, identifies the Phison with the Ganges river, in a way that leaves no doubt about its Indian location. The bdellium and the gemstones produced in Hevilat – and which are Indian exclusivities in antiquity – are also telltale of its true location in the Indies. The geography of the region of Paradise is also identical to that of the Indian region under discussion, and which is that of South India and neighboring Burma. Hence, it seems safe to conclude that Eden was indeed located in the Indies.
- As a matter of fact, “Eden” and “India” are synonymous and derive from a Sanskrit radix ind (or endh and, hence, edhen), meaning “fire”.