Heezen also pointed out that this rise of sea-level was sufficient to drown most low-lying coastal regions of the planet. In particular, the region that now forms the South China Sea averages under 60 meters or so in depth. Thus, this region – precisely the one which we preconize to have been the site of Atlantis – got submerged by the rising waters, just as affirmed by Plato.
Turning to Egyptian traditions, the source on which Plato bases his legend of Atlantis. The famous zodiac of Dendera – which was copied from far older versions whose origins are lost in the night of times – indicates that the constellation Leo lay at the vernal point in the epoch of its start. Now, the era of Leo centers at about 11,720 BC, in close agreement with the date given by Plato for the end of Atlantis and the start of the present era. What event but the cataclysmic end of the Pleistocene Ice Age and the consequent demise of Atlantis could better serve for the new start of times marked in that famous zodiac?
Makrisi, a famous Arab historian of Egypt, affirms that “fire issued from the sign of Leo to destroy the world.” This conflagration apparently confirms the above connection between the star of Dendera’s zodiac and the Atlantean cataclysm disclosed by Plato. The Arabs conquered Egypt, and inherited its magnificent culture and traditions, and it is quite likely that Makrisi was basing himself on them.
A Coptic papyrus indicates the same date for the Atlantean cataclysm. According to it: “the Flood will take place when the heart of the Lion (Aldebaran) enters the start of the head of Cancer”. In other words, the papyrus affirms that when the vernal point coincided with the center of Leo – an event that took place some 11,600 years ago – the Flood took place, destroying Atlantis and ending the Pleistocene Ice Age, which had lasted for some 2.5 millions of years. In the terrible event, a great many species of mammals and other creatures became extinct all over the world. This fact attests the universal character of the tragedy.
Cataclysms Directly Related to Atlantis
The Oera Linda book – a collection of Frisian traditions related to the Flood – describes a terrible cataclysm of cosmic scale that took place in the far past and which destroyed “Atland”. In its own words:
During the whole summer, the sun hid itself behind the clouds, as if unwilling to shine upon the earth. In the middle of the quietude, the earth began to quake as if it was dying. The mountains opened up to vomit forth fire and flames. Some of them sunk under the earth while in other places mountains rose out of the plains… Atland disappeared, and the wild waves rose so high over the hills and dales that everything was buried under the seas. Many people were swallowed up by the earth, and others who had escaped the fire perished in the waters.
The Mayas tell, in their myths of origin, of a mysterious island or continent called Aztlan whence they originally came. They were driven out by the volcanic cataclysm that destroyed their land. Their homeland later sunk underseas, forcing them to leave. They came by sea, via the Pacific Ocean, in their rafts and catamarans, stopping for several years in islands of that ocean. Their voyage is recorded in documents such as the Codex Boturini, as well as in many other registers. There can be very little doubt that Aztlan is anything other than Atlantis. Furthermore, the western location of Aztlan, and the volcanic nature of the cataclysm that sunk it away leave no room for doubt that if it is indeed Atlantis, the lost continent was situated in the Far East, probably in the Indonesian region.
The Hindu traditions speak of Atala, a sunken Paradise lying in the Far East. Atala is one of the seven paradisial Hells (lokas) of the Hindus. These were the archetypes of the Seven Isles of the Blest of the Greeks and of the Seven Atlantic Islands of Medieval Traditions. Atala is often identified with Sutala (“the Foundation Land”) which is the name the Hindus gave to their pristine Paradise. Its name means, in Sanskrit, “nowhere” or, yet, “sunken land”. This etym is the same as the Greek one of Utopia or Erewhon of Gnostic traditions. In other words, traditions of a sunken Paradise such as the Elysium (or Isles of the Blest) of the Greeks, the Amenti or Punt of the Egyptians, the Eden of the Jews and the Dilmun of the Babylonians all spring from that of the Atala or Sutala of the ancient Hindus.
The ancient and the Medieval maps of the world, just as those of the Age of Navigations, invariably showed a group of islands called “Atlantic Islands”. These islands were usually seven, and were often equated with the Seven Islands of the Blest of Greek traditions or with the Seven Dvipas (“Paradisial Islands”) of the Hindus. In reality, these islands correspond to the remains of sunken Atlantis. They are the volcanic peaks of the sunken continent that remained emerse when the rest of that land foundered in the seas. The Occult traditions of the ancient navigants derived from those of the Phoenicians and other ancient nations that did a regular commerce with the Indies in antiquity, and that guarded the naval route to the Indies as the best kept secret ever.
The Atlantic Ocean derives its name from the Atlanteans who, alone of all nations, dared to navigate these far off waters. Only the Atlanteans mastered the secrets of Celestial Navigation that are a basic requirement for this kind of undertaking.