It is also is the equivalent of the Cosmogonic Hierogamy, according to him.
Once again we have a connection between the Christian Mysteries of the Passion of Christ, the Cross, the Mass, and Communion, with the Hindu and the Vedic rituals and mysteries. Except that they were, this time, intermediated by the Gnostic sects of the Jews such as the Peirates and the Essenes and, not impossibly, by proto-Christian Gnostic Egyptian and Syrian sects such as the Therapeutes, the Ophites and the Sabeans.
What is more, the Passion of Christ is here interpreted in Cosmic terms, as that of the Cosmocrator, having to do with the Flood and the Conflagration that periodically destroy the World. The Cosmic Christ of the Gnostics is obviously fashioned after the Vedic model of Purusha and Pushan. The ritual communion of the Trantric ritual just described is indeed a commemoration of the death and consumption of Atlantis in the Primordial Sacrifice. It is also the archetype of the Christian Communion, the consumption of the Eucharist, as we explain in detail in our section on the origin of the Christian Sacraments.
The Ritual Mating of the King and the Whore
Already in Vedic times the Gnostic doctrines were wrapped in mystery and Occult symbolism. The priest and the whore secretly mating inside the Vedic altar already signals this need of secrecy. The sophisticate symbolism of the ashvamedha and of the hymns of the Rig Veda are also allegories of the same ritual mysteries that date from Vedic times.
But this Vedic ritual was already archaic in ancient India. The Sankhyayana Shrauta Sutra (17:6:2), an ancient philosophical treatise on Vedic doctrines (Sankhya), states about the ritual maithuna that “it is an ancient ritual, already fallen in disuse”. The Shatapatha Brahmana (11:6:2-10) identifies the maithuna to the agnihotra, the sacrifice in honor of Agni, the Hindu Fire-god.
This oblation consists of throwing butter balls into the fire. The butter represents the fat victims which were formerly used. The sacrifice is performed at dawn and sunset (sandhya), the two crepuscles of the Sun. Agni represents far more than Fire. He is identified with the Sun and, more exactly, with the Fallen Sun that inflames the earth at the world s end.
In real terms, Agni symbolizes, in this one of his seven forms, the conflagration that destroys the world at Doom and which consists in volcanic paroxysms of global scale. The giant explosions rip the earth s crust, causing magmatic effusions and throwing out volcanic bombs (debris) the size of entire mountains. These are equated to the vajra, the Celestial Fire of Doom that destroys the world when the eras end. One of the forms of Agni is Angiras, a name that means both “anointed one” (ang) or “fiery one” (agni). Angiras is a manifestation of the vajra. Angiras is the same as Dadhyanch or Dadhikra, one of the many names of the Hindu Flying Horse, also called Vena or Tarkshya.
The Fiery Mare and the Fire of Doomsday
Angiras is the archetype of the Anointed One, the precursor of the Messiah or Christ (“anointed one”). He is the personage symbolized by the butter balls of the Agnihotra sacrifice. In other words, the idea of “anointing” the Messiah (that is, “the Anointed One”) implies that he is the victim destined for the fiery ordeal of the end of the world.
Angiras (or Dadhyanch = “sprinkler of curds”) is also connected with Indra and the theft of Soma. He disclosed the secret of Soma to the Ashvins and was decapitated by Indra. The Ashvins the Celestial physicians replaced the head of Angiras with a horse s one and healed him. However, his decapitated head falls down to earth as the vajra, and became the Fiery Mare (or Vadavamukha), kept at the bottom of the Ocean.
There it stays in a precarious equilibrium, its fire consumed by water in a continuous manner. But it threatens to destroy the world at all times, as the equilibrium is unstable and can be disrupted by the slightest disturbance. Strange as this myth might appear at first sight, it seems to correspond exactly to what modern Science has recently discovered.
The Vadavamukha apparently consists of the Mid-Oceanic Rift that cleaves the bottom of all oceans. This giant chasm as we discuss in detail elsewhere corresponds to the boundaries of the Tectonic Plates that form earth s crust. Magma continually pours from it in a huge scale. But it cooled by the cold bottom water, and solidifies forming the continuously growing Tectonic Plates.
There can be little doubt that the ancients knew both the shape and the mechanism of the Mid-Oceanic Rift. And the only point open to critic is whether they knew of it by means of an advanced science like ours or if they learnt about it from direct experience when it became haywire and destroyed the world in a terrible Conflagration.
The Reality of the Universal Flood
The titanic earthquakes that resulted from the explosions also caused enormous tsunamis which are recorded in myths as the Flood.