The Whirling Mountain of the Navajos 3

We can compare the Navajo sandpaintings with the ones from the Mayas, shown in Fig 4 below. This figure is taken from a Mayan Codex. Except for the different style, the conception is exactly the same as that of the Navajo mandala of Fig. 2. At the four corners, we have the Four Trees of Life, each attended by two Guardians, each having a bird sitting on top, exactly as in certain Navajo sandpaintings.

Fig. 4 - The Mayan CosmosAt the center of the mandala the Center of the World we have the figure of a warrior wielding a three-pronged thunderbolt (or vajra). This figure closely evokes the similar ones of Zeus and Shiva, likewise three-pronged. This warrior is the Sun or, perhaps, his “son”, who is indeed his renewed avatar. And the three-pronged vajra (thunderbolt) wielded by the personage is indeed the three-peaked mountain Trikuta, the same as Mt. Meru, the Holy Mountain of Paradise.

In the previous footnote we saw how, in India, the words for “thunderbolt” (ulka) and for “volcano” (ul-kan) are more or less synonymous. Hence, the thunderbolt-wielding god here portrayed is indeed a personification of the three-peaked, volcanic mountain of Paradise (Trikuta). Such a visual wordplay which does not obtain in Amerindian languages or any others can only have originated in India. The conclusion is also that the similar themes in the other mythologies of the world are also consequently of Hindu origin, unless contrary evidence is obtained.

The name of the “Mountain-fallen-away” is a direct translation of the Hindu originals which figure in innumerous myths under names such as that of “Decapitated Mountain”. This mountain is no other than Mt. Meru or, more exactly, Mt. Kumeru, the Holy Mountain of Paradise. The name in question is also an exact translation of that of Mt. Atlas, which is formed of the Greek prefix a meaning “not” and the radix tla, meaning “to bear out”, “to withstand”.6

In other words, the name of Mt. Atlas indeed means “the one who did not withstand” or, what is the same thing, “the mountain that fell away” (collapsed), just as did the one of the Navajos. In turn, the Greek name of Atlas derives directly from the Sanskrit Atala or Atalas, the name of a Hindu sunken Paradise which has exactly the same signification, and which was the actual archetype of Atlantis.

The Twins and the Skull Mountain of the Aztecs

The Primordial Twins are, likewise, the central figures of the Popol Vuh, the classic Mayan saga. The Mayas too have the Four Guardians (called Bacabs) which they equate to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. They also speak, as do the Hindus and the Navajos, of the Four (or Five) Eras of Humanity, each corresponding to one of the Guardians.

An Aztec mandala similar to the ones of the Navajos and the Hindus is shown in Fig. 5. In it, the Central Mountain is replaced by a skull, likewise placed at the Center of the mandala. This Skull Mountain corresponds to the one formed by the skull of Dadhyanch, in Hindu myths, and to that of Adam in Judeo-Christian mythology.

The skull of Adam is said, like the one of Dadhyanch, his archetype, to have fallen from Paradise above. It fell in the center of Jerusalem, itself the Center of the World, and formed Mt. Golgotha or Calvary (“Skull”). Adam s skull was later found at the feet of Christ s Cross when its ground was being dug in order to fix the Cross to the ground.

Like in the traditions just mentioned, the Mayas have a high reverence for the Skull Mountain, which they associated with the crystal skulls they worshipped, and of which several magnificent exemplars were found inside the Mayan temples and pyramids. Interestingly enough, Adam s skull, like that of Dadhyanch was said to be made of quartz crystal or, rather, of crystal-clear diamond, whose Greek name is precisely Adamas (“Untamable”). Coincidences? Can you really believe it?

Interestingly enough the Skull Mountain of the Aztecs is also topped by a Cross, just as is also that of the Navajos and the one of the Mayas shown above. Many other similarities exist between the Amerindian Cosmogonic symbols and those of the Ancient World. But their discussion is left for a better occasion, and a more discreet arena, for certain things can not be told to all. However, what we just saw, is hopefully sufficient to convince the reader of the reality of what we claim concerning the reality of Atlantis-Eden.

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